Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Obama is a modern Savior

Remember the day?  You probably stood by a tv, watching CNN.  You knew it was a historical event, and when you saw it on TV you were sure it was.  Thousands of people gathered in Washington to see Barrack Obama sworn in as president; not to mention thousands around the world who weren't even American.  Since then cool t-shirts have been printed.  He won a Nobel Peace Prize; and no one is really sure what for.  Isn't Obama great?
Obama is another sign of this crappy world we live in.  How can a man that people know so little about be glorified and held on a mantle of praise?   Now maybe Americans are wiser, but there are so many Canadians that think this man is a savior to America and in turn us, but really don't have a clue about him or his policies.  Does anyone know his stance on different issues or policies?  Does anyone know what promises he made and kept and which he has broken?
I could babble about different facts line after line, but it's best if you find it out for yourselves.
If you have time watch this movie:Obama Deception
It's 2 hours, but worth the time.  Another thing to check out it this article: Obama's birth certificate
I am not stating these things as cold, hard facts, but they do make compelling arguments.  Ultimately, it shows that no one man can be a savior, there is already one man who came to do that in our bleak world, and that's Jesus Christ.  The others that pose to do so are products like us of a fallen world.

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