Wednesday, June 30, 2010


When I was in the 4th grade I wrote a small paragraph about how one day people would run out of songs to write, shows to create, and movies to make; that people would run out of ideas.  My teacher told me it was ridiculous, that the human creative spirit would never run dry.  Well here we are in 2010, a lot of songs are remakes of classics or rehashes of the same old riffs.  The top movies this summer are the A-team, the Karate Kid, and Toy Story 3.  Now I know there is still some creative juices out there, that all things are not remakes, but there certainly is alot.  As I see more and more re-makes of old songs and movies, it makes me think about something I learned in World Views Seminar at college; that inspiration comes from God.  Many philosophers said that when God created man and breathed life into him; that something that set man apart from the rest of creation was his creativity that stemmed from the breath of God.  Many reasoned that the time of the greatest inspiration was found in the renaissance, when many artists drew inspiration from God and the Bible.  As I see the lack of creativity in the media, it makes me connect the two: that a world that rejected God, finds itself less and less inspired.  A world that draws less from God and focuses solely on itself, can't find inspiration.  I believe as this world continues to fall into a more fallen state, we will see less inspiration and more mindless trash; another suffering in this fallen world.

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